I Can Only Find Myself...In Him Poem by Amber Jones

Amber Jones

Amber Jones

Saint John's Hospital, Springfield, Illinois

I Can Only Find Myself...In Him

I can still hear his voice in my head.
Those gentle words still caress my skin,

But they will forever
haunt me.

I remember the day they took him away…
Their hands pierced through my chest
And took my heart with them.

Not a care escaped their thoughts
As the blood shot and splattered to the floor.

And that was the day I died.
But, for some reason, I still live.

I live a dark shallow life.
This black cloud looms overhead
And shadows me from the world.

I live in a sad place
Where tears flow like waterfalls.

I live in a frightening place
Where monsters lurk and nightmares taunt.

I live in an angry place
Where rage replaces all emotions

I live because I’m being tortured,
Hung from the rack of shame.

They stuck hooks through the flesh
On my back and arms,
And dangled me from the ceiling by chains.

I scream, and I cry, and I beg,
But it only makes them hate me more.

They told me I was crazy,
But I’m not crazy, I’m just lost.

I can only find myself
In him.

Amber Jones

Amber Jones

Saint John's Hospital, Springfield, Illinois
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