I Can'T Lose My Love Poem by Kenni' Johnson

I Can'T Lose My Love

Rating: 3.5

I never will understand,
Why i choose to lie,
To tell no parts of the truth,
As I look you in the eyes,

And you believe my ever word,
Everything you've just heard,
The thought of me lying to you,
To you that's just absurd,

But I can't bare to tell that I was laid with another,
Touching and kissing as if he was my lover,
And as he brought me higher to ecstasy,
He softly whispered, 'Say you love me',

But no, wait, what am I doing,
Ruin it all over a simple screwing,
All because I walked out during a meaningless fight,
I can't lose my love over a pointless night,

Praying for forgiveness as I rush home,
Should've never left you there alone,
But I can never let you know what I've just done,
I got to let this night remain unknown,

But now I understand why I lied,
Can't watch you walk away and tell me bye,
Can't bare to see you hurt or watch you cry,
I know it won't happen again, I'd rather die.

How one fight led into the act of infidelity. Then a realization of how it should've never happened but you must lie to keep the one you love
Kendra Johnson 23 November 2013

Thanks, it's my first poem that I ever let anyone read where i actually wrote about real life events.

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Khairul Ahsan 23 November 2013

'but you must lie to keep the one you love' is, perhaps, not good enough a reason that you too would understand one day. However, the realization 'of how it should've never happened' is praiseworthy. 'Praying for forgiveness as I rush home, Should've never left you there alone, ' This is a positive attitude. As a poem, I rate it good as it conveys honest feelings.

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Kenni' Johnson

Kenni' Johnson

Baltimore, MD
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