I Heard The Shadows Whisper Poem by John Bliven Morin

I Heard The Shadows Whisper

“I heard the shadows whisper, Mum,
I think I heard them call.”
“T’was just the night wind in the trees
And nothing more, that’s all;
Go back to bed; I’ll tuck you in,
You needn’t have a care.
You’re my brave Billy-boy, aren’t you?
See? Here’s your Teddy Bear.”

“I heard the shadows whispering,
I heard them call my name! ”
“Back so soon? I tucked you in
And now you’re back again.
Please go to bed at once, young man!
Ah, you are such a bother;
Afraid of every thing that moves,
Just like your sorry father! ”

“I heard the shadows whisper more,
They’ve come to take me ‘way
To Fairyland, they said quite clear! ”
“That’s quite enough, I say,
I’ll show you who’s to fear, you mouse!
Take that and that and that! ”
“Ow, mother, please, I’ll go to bed! ”
“Then go, you little brat! ”

The mother called the Constables,
When her child she couldn’t find;
“We’ll find ‘im, Madam, to be sure,
We knows that runaway kind.”
But twenty years have quickly passed
Since Billy went away
And not a soul on earth has seen
Him to this very day.

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John Bliven Morin

John Bliven Morin

New London, CT
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