I Know, I Know, I Know Poem by Lynn W. Petty

I Know, I Know, I Know

For a young friend who asked me
To write a poem for him, who was in love
But, unable to express it.

'I know, I know, I know, ' you softly say.
But, how can I be sure you understand
My depth of love? From you, what will convey
Assurances to me, that when we stand
Alone, we two; I whisper in your ear
Equivalent soft-spoken words, I'll know
That you will comprehend that what you hear
Is uttered from my soul? Not just a flow
Of idle praise but, solemn words that mean
That unrelenting, pounding, lonely heart
Of this, perhaps, most foolish man; unseen
Behind a mask of practiced calm, that part
Of me that dies a little more each day
By longing for you kiss on lip and brow,
Has had to speak or break; has had to say
What lies so heavily therein. The vow
So long withheld from you, of silent love,
Is broken, breached, confessed, oh, yes, its true.
My penance paid, now truth, and God above,
Forgive my sin, my sin of loving you.
I speak without reproof, deceit, or guilt.
My burden of existence is no more.
My wounds, unhealed from long held silence built
The weakened structure of this man. To shore
My mental framework, give me peace of mind,
I plead you this, my dear, please hear my prayer.
If love's response to me is disinclined,
And, I have lost love's grace, I won't despair,
Denied your love from me, if you can find
Naught else but this, I pray you please be kind.

Sunday, February 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and dreams
Lynn W. Petty

Lynn W. Petty

Newport Beach, California
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