I'Ll Be Sorry For My Tears Poem by Lee Cox

I'Ll Be Sorry For My Tears

You’ve never known me to be like this but since I’ve found you I can’t help myself, I’m sorry for my tears.

You came to me out of virtual nowhere and I could not believe it was you, I was so happy, so thrilled, so excited, I’m sorry for my tears.

What my absence had caused you to experience since we parted became tears of horror, tears of disgust, tears of sorrow, that I could do such a thing as I walked away from your life. How could I do this to my best friend?

You never knew that you were so much more than a friend to me. You should have known, I should have told you, I should have been there for you. I can’t look myself in the mirror and I’m sorry for my tears.

I’ll be seeing you again soon and I won’t be able to let you go. I won’t be able to take my eyes off of you. My memories of our times we had will pour through me like a waterfall then suddenly dry to a crisp desert when I remember how I abandoned you, I’ll see it in your eyes and I’ll be sorry for my tears.

I talk with your nearly every day, then not for days on end. Those days are the days that last forever so please forgive me for my tears.

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Lee Cox

Lee Cox

Fall River
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