God will send an angel
at the moment he designed
To tell me that my time has come,
to leave this world behind
I know I'll glance behind me,
as I climb that golden stair
For I love you all so deeply.
Please know….I'll still be there.
I'll be there in all the little things,
that make this life worthwhile.
And I'll be there in the passing thoughts,
that makes my daughter smile.
In all those times she'll talk of me,
and wipe away a tear
That's when she'll feel my presence
…Oh you know that I'll be there
I'll be there in my son's sweet laugh,
when he fondly thinks of me
And in the stories that he tells,
in each sweet memory
I'll be there when he pauses to
remember me in prayer
He'll feel a kindred presence then,
…and know that I am there.
I'll be there as my grandsons grow;
I'll be there every day.
To be their guardian angel,
watching over them as they play
When they graduate and marry,
promise me you'll save a chair
Though you think that it sits empty,
oh…I promise I'll be there.
I'll be there when my dear friends meet,
though they think they're minus one
They'll hear my echoed laughter,
when they're joking, having fun
And when they're sad and lonely
and they have some pain to share
Let them feel peace within their hearts
...it's because I have been there
To my extended family,
Know I love you all so much
I'll be there in the evening rain,
and in the suns warm touch
I'll never be that far way,
I'll be with you, I swear.
Just think of me...and there I am,
one wish... and I'll be there
To all of you, it's not goodbye,
please wipe those tears away
I'll be with my sweet Jesus,
and I'll praise him every day.
Someday you'll each cross over,
no more burdens left to bear
Look for me beside my Savior,
...You know... That I'll be there.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
a nicely written poem. Someday we will all be there,