I'M As You Were Poem by Biff McGuire

I'M As You Were

I am as you were, I am just like you.
Except that you're old and I am so new.
My hair is like yours (back when you still had it)
you’re pudgy and slow, I am fast like a rabbit.

I was as you are, kind of shy and naive.
I once felt so smart, and was anxious to lead.
Then time knocked me down a small step-or-two
It's hard to believe I was young just like you.

But you are still here, in this world feeling bold.
I am as you were, only not quite so old!
You are still my father, my idol, my martyr.
I am as you were, just a little bit smarter.

And so on it goes, the boy tries (the man knows)

I am as you were, back when you were young
with energy, laughter, and passion for fun.
I was as you are, but time sneaks up on you.
Someday it will catch you, it will catch you too.

So on to the future, and never look back.
Or time's hand will catch you, your spirit he'll crack.
You've always got by, and I am sure I will too,
I am as you were, just much quicker than you

Biff McGuire

Biff McGuire

Salt lake City, Utah U.S.A
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