I'm Still Alive Poem by Thabani Khumalo

I'm Still Alive

The things that remind me most
of my uncharted home in my sweetest dreams,
which is the best place in the colorful world;
where there's savored honey bread
ceremoniously dipped in the creamiest milk;
the joyful taste of the best dairy blend
(I've ever tasted in my life)totally untempered -
there, I inhale the pure joy of easy natural love:
breast in the mouth and back to the mouth, overflowing,
just like a child succumbing harmlessly
under a pleasant African mother's magical touch,
I'm in heaven with an undisturbed smile:

I am submissive in between the arousing caress of two lovely arms -
body to body - I can feel the twitch of the muscle beneath the flesh,
she turns me on and I'll be honest about it.
I am resting my weight across her belly - benign,
and kisses are as many as raindrops pattering onto my ugly face.

Yes, I do deeply love that girl like a delirious little child!
that is why I will follow her swiftly and fast down
along the open roads across the hot desert earth,
in a quest to see if she is still alive upon the planetary plain...
because I am still very much alive in the flesh.

The clear words that I use
as the fundamentals of these poetically inclined mental messages
emanating from the remotely hung up firmament stars
will, one day in the guaranteed future, materialize into living flesh,
I fear that the earth is going to shake and tilt,
and I will always be the misfit structural figure
on the upstat canvas of only significant pictures.
I will be there against all their will.

My name... is Thabani Khumalo
and I'm sure I'm still alive.

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