I, Of Vishnu-- Eye Of Shiva Poem by Joe Fraccalvieri

I, Of Vishnu-- Eye Of Shiva

At rest, I am nothing at best--
just dead weight
I am silent before the kill…
Too stubborn and lethal to move on my own
So I wait-- while I sit-- very still

Yet within me there is a power
that given the choice I will take
at the hour appointed
when my soul is anointed
and I'm free to rejoice in its wake

Down the darkened corridor
I am held-- in the back of a narrow hall
Placed alone in an empty cell
behind an iron wall

And finally I am led
into that fate-filled room--
the death chamber-- the coffin--
the trappings of the tomb

The hammer of injustice falls--
my body is torn apart--
exploding with hatred, my path is clear
I laugh for want of a heart

At the end of a long dark tunnel--
I see a single shaft of light
But along with me it grows--
for it chose to mingle, quickly,
my anger with its fright--

It knows my fate-- Shows my foes…
Points to freedom from my plight.
I am but a bullet… Small-- Yet full of smite

Only a spark, and life is deceased-- My spirit has taken flight
Out of the dark, with vengeance released,
my vision was given sight
Yes… I am just a bullet-- but oh-- I have such might!

I now behold my purpose-- A man of courage--
his body, strong-- his mind is sharp and bright
Though compared to me, this lump of flesh
is weak, and dull, and slight

And now--
with just one blow to his head--
he is dead at the start of this fight

For I am Darkness-- I am Death--
'Destroyer' of all that is good and right
And together, with Pain and Fear-- Sorrow and War,
we enter eternal night!

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