I Remember Who I Truelly Am Poem by nicole feltes

I Remember Who I Truelly Am

i remember who i am now
a beautiful figure you tried to destroy
memories were so hazy, i felt as if they were not real
i am the being who frightnened you from my smile, to my cold eyes
the movements were so familiar i thought as if it were dejavu
the way i was graceful and beautiful it all came back
the movement of my hands my feet as if i were floating
the way my body moved and did not burn it all is so familiar
you look down while i look up, turn to face one another at that perfect time
face so close i could feel the heat, it is so familiar i remember
as you lifted me i felt as light as a feather
when i landed a beautiful angel stood in my place
when we dance like this i feel the power deep within begging to emerge
one graceful sweep of my hand and i can feel the water i have imagined
your eyes a distant figure thinking of the one you miss the most
i am the beautiful angel people have seen, i remember now
i am the fifth coming back to grace this world
to show the beauty can never be lost as long as we have are dance of imagination

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