I Still Remember, You Gave Painful Love Poem by Sadashivan Nair

I Still Remember, You Gave Painful Love

I still remember,
you gave painful love;
Once you said,
holding my hand;
You shalt love,
unto the end of life;
As the soul commits,
To stays in body,
till the end of life;
I was free from stress,
Felt I found someone,
For caress and embrace;
Who would hug and kiss,
Soothe my lonely life;
I wished you always stood,
By my side in difficult times;
But you vanished as foggy cloud;
I trusted your company,
To balm you and you balm me,
In painful days;
But you pierced my heart;
Left bleeding for rest of life;
You made my tears seep,
From wet weary eyes;
My emotion was spiritual,
love was ritual to worship,
So fulfil crave of my soul;
Yet don't curse you,
As better to let go bad love,
Than sticking to it;
your vision in my dream,
Too frightens me,
wakes me up in scary mood,
You made me victim,
Sucked up all my love,
And deserted me,
but I still survive;
Though still starve in pain;
You gave me painful memory,
For rest of life,
Please don't repeat this mistake,
may Injure and bleed you one day,
when someone repeats the same;
Love is no lust, Love is worship, I
Love between me and you,
Was attempt to give new birth;

© Sadashivan Nair

I Still Remember,  You Gave Painful Love
Friday, December 18, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: cheating,love,pain
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