I Want To Be There... Poem by Keith Anastase KAMOSSO

I Want To Be There...

The time happiness will conquer over the world
The time tears will no longer form in the eyes
The time all nations will gather in one place to celibrate
The time love will be the populace's anthem
I want to be there

When death mop the streets it used to rule
When the bell of tower will ring oncw again
When singers will chant the song of victory
When parades will be the sign of triumph
I want to be there

Deceptions, anger, haterd will be gone
Deseases, massacre, disppeared
Heartaches, ruined lives will be healed
The shadow of the day will be cover by its light
I want to be there

The moment all eyes will glimpse
The moment the devil will mop the streets
The moment twilights will be seen
The moment the beauty of the day will be percieved
I want to be there

The moment anger, hatred will be gone
The moment pain will no more be felt
The moment Heartaches and ruined lives will be healed
Shadow of the day will age
I want to be there

Once thew sun shines again
One more time the twilights will be seen
Smiles on nation's face will appear
Jericho's wall will breakl down and the promises will be filfulled
I will be there

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