I Was So Wrong Poem by John Leo

I Was So Wrong

Rating: 5.0

I was so wrong
I know that he isn't gay
I know that I am the one who is gay
I ended up listening to the side of me that dreams

I was so wrong
I keep trying to bring him into this
I didn't even realize that was what I was doing
Its a good thing he saw what I was blindly doing, before it got to far

I was so wrong
What I really wanted was friendship
I didn't really want love
Well at least not from him

I was so wrong
I felt how much hope he gave me
I just wanted to show him what I could give
I think I showed him the wrong side
I showed him the side that couldn't give anything
I wanted to show him the wisdom, the knowledge the part of me that is down to earth

I was so wrong
I mistaken our friendship for love
If I could go back I might have changed things
Or maybe not

I was so wrong
I was questioning myself if I could trust him
I was questioning his loyalty
I wasn't questioning myself, about what I really wanted

I was so wrong
I thought he was hiding something from me
I didn't think that maybe I was hiding something from myself
He's right all the answers were right in front of me

I was so wrong
I thought that maybe it was better to hide in the closet
He is once again right
I need to come out of that closet

I was so wrong
I thought that maybe I missed up our friendship
I now know that this made our friendship stronger
True friendship can least through anything
And if this isn't true friendship, then I don't know what is

I was so wrong
I thought that all he did for me was save my life
No I now see that he has done more
Let me list the things he has done for me
1. Saving my life not once but twice
2. Putting up with my mood swings
3. Changing how I thought about other people
4. Being honest with me
5. Putting up with how I felt about him
6. Making me laugh when I really needed it
7. Being my rock
8. Helping me see who I am
9. Making me feel like no matter who I am people won't care
And most importantly
10. Letting me be me

Thursday, April 21, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: friends
Ella Rose 21 April 2016

John, very powerful..we are all wonderful people no matter what. Life is too short and we all need love in our life...well done #10 from me :) ~ellarose~

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