I Will Walk Away Poem by robbin nyakundi enigma

I Will Walk Away

I will walk away....
From everything bitter in the bitter sweet of life...
I will no longer be soft of heart and timid of mind...
No more will I be pulled and tagged like a kitty cat...
I will elope and go silent on those that question the smile on my face...
Those that live to see me frown...
Those that ponder my downfall...
Those that tire not to see me in the pitfalls of depression...
Those that hunger for the sight of me in the jaws of solitude and oblivion...
I will walk away and mind them no more...
I will give them not the satisfaction of even my cold shoulder...
They will seek to see me tear and my mood despondent...
They will hunger and crave to see a river cascade down my cheeks...
But even when they spew me and slap my face to the ground I will rise and smile and watch as their temples fume and heads burst...
I will walk away from hatred and revenge...
I will embrace love and peace...
For am I not ransomed by the droplets of grace from the son of man? The son of David….
I will stand in the sidelines and watch them trample on the very essence of my existence….and when they are done and my last breathe is nigh I will give it out with a smile and say to them…..bye bye good friends

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