I Won't Take You Back Poem by Abdalla Juma Shenga

I Won't Take You Back

I am no fool as I once was,
Gave you my fragile heart,
You shattered it unremorsefully.
I see nothing but trickery,
In your tearful implores.
Though the taste of your kisses,
Yet to leave my mouth.
I swear by our lost love,
I'll take you back no more.
My heart painful and sore,
Heals and found worthy.
Blessed beit's mender,
Who pieced it whole.
Am Ito betray divine adoration
Forstale sour love?
The warmth of your embrace,
Once cherished by ever fibre
Of my being still lingers on me,
Likeaftermath of calamity.
Bravely Idecline,
To rekindle a fire that scotched
My dignity to the benefit of foes,
Whose laughterspeared me
with shame. I bled out
Allmy love for you,
Till I was empty and sombre.
Alas! Came my sun rise,
Rays radiant pure and soothing,
Breathing new life into a barren heart,
Seeding it with love meaningful,
Flowery and fruitful
Discarded by your ambitions,
Picked up by another,
Never to be given back.
Don't erode flavor of this love,
Constantly begging me.
The boat has left the shore,
It will return no more,
Now go!

Saturday, September 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: betrayer,heartbreak,love,overcoming
Deluke Muwanigwa 12 September 2020

Good one. Yah its really over

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