I.D.-Napping (Worthless Freudian Non-Cents) Poem by Axley Jade Blaze

I.D.-Napping (Worthless Freudian Non-Cents)

Rating: 4.1

My ID abducted my ego
On this roller-coaster of psychopathy, now we go
Down this tunnel, this shaded peephole
Another asylum re-run, another re-show
They say time heals all wounds.
I say; rhymes heal us, and maybe some tunes.
Spritzed with a suicidal poetry perfume— 
Forget purpose, reproduction, and the womb.
If I can rhyme about it,
Maybe I'll be fine about it.
Or perhaps I'll be crying about it,
And, dishonestly, just lying about it.
Still, the ego may return
I'm all passion and fire—I burn!
I twist, contort, and I do turn
Still, not enough to claim the lessons were learned
Feminine scenery and rivers— 
Shredded in Velvety shivers
Steal a taste, just a sliver
Body jumps in revolt, and it quivers
A secret embedded from conception
My dueling personas, fighting for perfection
Don't recognize each other in my reflection— 
Cancel their marriage, the wedding, and the reception
The battle between animal and man:
Refuse to know each other or understand
The human design, the mold of man
Unknown territory and uninvited land
Their conflict causes this struggle, this rage
How my psyche ended up in this prison, this cage
I'm the star of a screwed up show, left on stage;
Frightened and lonely, please turn the page!
Need a solution before it's too late
My mind and soul can't seem to mate
Because they are opposites, how can they relate?
That contradiction is what penned my fate
So I sit here fuming— 
Screaming for mercy, somebody tune in
Like both are stuck in a crate, there's no room in
A grey cloud everywhere I go, always looming.
Which do I fit in? A case or a basket?
As I scream that I'm choking—I holler; make a racket!
Begging to be laid in the bed of a satin-filled casket
I can't do it, can't make it, can't last it
One more time,
One final rhyme
I give one more sign,
I write one more line…
As my ID suffocates my ego until it's dead
Off with it's bloody, broken head
The war in my mind has finally led— 
Me to a path, all I see is The Color Red.
Four incisions in each chamber of my heart
Ready to do it—the glorious depart
Dying is beautiful, said it from the start;
I scream it out loud; the opulence of death is an art.

© copyright 2018-2024 I.D.-Napping (Worthless Freudian Non-cents)

I.D.-Napping (Worthless Freudian Non-Cents)
Friday, August 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: human condition,loneliness,depression,identify,ego
Crayon Poet 03 September 2018

There's enough substance to your poem - both the obscure and well-defined - that I think a small book could be written about it. The possible conclusions are pythonic in scope and yet common to mankind - super job!

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Crayon Poet 05 September 2018

Delighted, Nicole :)

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Nicole Settimi 04 September 2018

As always thx for your comment / in-put. I appreciate the feedback immensely. It's interesting you should mention a book revolving around the theme. I have started to outline something to that effect, so I am enthused that you sort of prematurely saw it too. Thx again for the encourgaement and thoughtful rvw. Also - if you have recommendations for me, of your own work, pls do send them over so I can peruse.

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