If I Were Not Liza Sudyina. Poem by Liza Sud

If I Were Not Liza Sudyina.

Answer to Boris.

Oh but after such a dedication -
not even to talk about isles -
I would give you in a wet front entrance!
If I were not Liza Sudyina.

Oh but after such an explanation,
that religiosity - is blah,
I would go away from Church, my native.
If I were not Liza Sudyina.

After such a struggle of all ages
and linguistic magic of your tongue -
I'd become yours really forever.
If I were not Liza Sudyina.

And forgetting everything in the world -
I would be begetting our child.
and would go on maternal vacation.
If I were not Liza Sudyina.


Да после такого посвященья -
Я не то чтобы на острова -
Я б дала тебе в сыром подъезде!
Если б я была не Лиза Судьина.

Да после такого разъясненья,
что религиозность - ерунда,
Я бы вышла из родимой Церкви.
Если б я была не Лиза Судьина.

Да после такой борьбы столетий
и языкового волшебства -
Я б давно была твоя навеки.
Если б я была не Лиза Судьина.

И тогда забыв про все на свете -
я б тебе ребенка родила.
и сидела бы с тобой в декрете.
Если б я была не Лиза Судьина.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: irony
Daniel Brick 08 November 2016

My assumption is that all of your poems are autobiographical, which means the I of the poem is you! Whereas for me the I is ambiguous, an adopted self, someone literary critics call THE PERSONA. I've read some Russian critics and they use that term too (or their translators) . But I rarely write a poem in which the I is consistently me. Often times I blur the identity of the speaker intentionally. You could do an analysis of my procedure and ask questions, like: WHY ARE YOU HIDING BEHIND A PERSONA? or WHAT AERE YOU HIDING? // This poem reads like the refusal of a proposal from a man named Boris, and the reason for your refusal is the refrain, IF I WERE NOT etc., which has two dimensions: I won't compromise my integrity & My values won't change even if you argue eloquently in your excellent speech. // I'm not sure why you call the poem ironic; it seems completely candid, honest, sincere, whereas irony is something of a trickster. YOU are not playing games with Boris but speaking directly without innuendo.

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Dipankar Sadhukhan 08 November 2016

A beautiful poem.10 You might like my poem Forgiveness.

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