If Its Destined To Be... Poem by shweta advani

If Its Destined To Be...

Heart still beats the same way..
I still smile the same way...
I still sleep the same way...
Stars still shine the same way...
But I m not the same as yesterday..
If it is destined to be...
Let it be...

I m good..
everyone says..
I m pure
everyone says...
But no one knows
U r the reason for the same...

If its destined to be...
let it be...

I know u won't ask me..
that how m I...?
M I happy.
or not...
Y m I surprised...?
M I right
or not...
M I ur charm...
or not...
Did I win or loose
Did I standby or not.....

But still my heart
only wants to tell u
that I m still alive..

So does it surprise u baby?

If it is destined to be..
let it be..

Heart still beats the same way..
I still smile the same way...
But I m not the same as yesterday..
If it is destined to be...
Let it be...

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Topic(s) of this poem: love
anurag duggal 10 May 2009

poetry is beautiful when simple i hate poets who try and write crosspwrd puzzles using bombastic words...lovely keep writng and ill keep reading cheers

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