If Only More Poem by Bob Gotti

If Only More

If only more people could see, Jesus Christ, and be set free,
Of all that bondage they’re in; the dark chains caused by sin;
Or freed from bonds of religion, for that way causes derision,
As freedom is in Christ alone, declared to all from His Throne.

If only more will see His Truth, and by faith, avoid His reproof,
God’s Judgment on this world, that wrath His prophets herald,
Wrath only avoided through Christ, who, for men gave His life,
When He was God’s Sacrifice, to pay in full, sin’s eternal price.

If only more could understand, all The Truth on which we stand,
Truth not built on man’s theology, but, on the Blood of Calvary,
Blood that flowed from the Rock, not of earth but eternal stock,
The Rock not cut by human hands, on which one falls or stands.

If only more could see the need, to share Truths, which we read,
In God’s Holy, Eternal Word, Truth, many may have never heard,
And it’s the believer’s obligation, to point all to God’s Salvation,
Being sent by Christ to proclaim, Salvation in our Savior’s Name.

Then more would truly be free, not just now, but through Eternity,
When through Truth they believe, and eternal life they will receive,
Then, they’d understand by faith, God’s Salvation is all of Grace,
Then they could join in with us, to point the world to Christ Jesus.

(Copyright ©08/2010 Bob)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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