If Only You Could... Poem by Michelle Guza

If Only You Could...

If only you could see through my eyes
You would see how dumb you look trying to lie
I know what your all about and so here I will stand
Nope I will never take you perverted hand!

If only you could feel what I feel
You will feel know that your not the real deal
You just want wants under these close
There are so many just like you lined up in rows!

If only you could think what I think
I think about how low you will sink
You think you woo me with your ways
Pu-leeze never will the world see that in my days!

If only you could cry the tears I cry
Then maybe you would understand why
Feel the tears come down ever so quick
Eww you are just sooo sick!

If only you could say the things I had to say
Then maybe you would understand why I am this way
Try telling the people that you love that you are okay when your dieing inside
Its time for me to say that I see you lies a mile wide!

If only you could hear the things I hear
Then maybe you would have the same cold tear
I hear things that turn my face pale
Are you ready to hear that before you start that you will fail?

If only you could write things I get to write
I get to say things on paper so there will not be a fight
If you ever got a pen and paper just to say how you feel
Maybe then people would think you were real

If you only thought about the things I think about
Then your mind would truly be full of doubt
The things that run through my mind would make so scared
This is why I didn’t tell you that my heart tarred

If only you knew what I knew
The maybe you would understand than i’m not into you
Sorry this heart isn’t for sale
(this is when you accept that you failed)

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