If So Does It Last Forever To Poem by chelsi Ruffing

If So Does It Last Forever To

I'm lost again someway somehow
Nothing seems to make sense of right now
Trying very hard to let go of the past
Yet I always seem to end up where I start last
Telling my story its hard to speak
Reaching out to hold something from feeling weak
Wanting to dissapear into the dark so no one can see
'I'm strong, I can do this its not the end for me! '
Does the fairy tales ever come true?
If so do they last forever to?
Whys is so hard to stay strong
The suspence seems so very long
Wanting to cry but won't allow my self won't even try
To everyone I keep saying the same lie
I'm so tired of playing their game
I won't stop until I put them all to shame
Nothing is working out right
The same play I seem to recite
Theres just to much disbelief
When its all over it will be a relief
Maybe then I'll be able to think clear
The truth may never appear
So does the fairy tale ever come true?
If so does it last forever to?
I guess I will just never know
Only thing to go by is a TV show

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