If You Think I Am A Loser Poem by Francis Duggan

If You Think I Am A Loser

If you think I am a loser well that does suit me fine
Since what you think about me is your business not mine
I only live good as I can wish none an Earthly Hell
I do not have a gift as such I just pen doggerel.

Nature's eternal beauty is a beauty I enjoy
And I have loved her dearly ever since I was a boy
I never have stopped loving her I love her as much today
As when I lived by distant hills from here long miles away.

Since the Reaper treats the millionaire and the pauper as the same
There's more to life far more to life than chasing wealth and fame
We should learn from Mother Nature attention she does not crave
Yet she will grow her wildflowers on the callous killer's grave.

We should learn from Mother Nature between life forms she does not differentiate
Her Reaper comes and take all lives that she help to create
The lives of the president and monarch and of the billionaire
She leaves to her Reaper and them he does not spare.

Since what we see in others we only want to see
If you think I am a loser well that's okay with me
If you only look for flaws in others then flaws you are bound to find
And to your own shortcomings you surely will be blind.

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