If You Were Not Mine
Matloob Bokhari
Country: Pakistan
If there were no beauty, no music
The world would be a lifeless wasteland.
In the symphony of the forest,
If there were no cuckoo's call
There would be no moments of joy in the fabric of life.
If there were no soft scent of a rose, There would be no dance of breeze
No rhythm that soothes mind
And stirs the heart.
If there were no dance of a beautiful lady
There would be no melody to enchant the soul.
If there were no mesmerizing beauty of a woman
Adam would not have descended to Earth
And there would be no love story, transcending time.
If there were no poets
No one would have revealed the hidden truths through the magic of words
Nor would anyone have written about the timeless beauty of the legend of Helen of Troy.
O my beloved
You are more beautiful than a rare rose
If you were not mine
There would be no music in my soul, No joy in my heart, Nor any celebration of life.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem