Illuminati's Prayer 'Layers To The Sun Night Dominion' Poem by King Femi Oloidi

Illuminati's Prayer 'Layers To The Sun Night Dominion'

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Eagle light, I sun to you; through burning rainbows of the precious holy triangle,
in the eyeful name of faith.
Thanking you, for boldness, tameness, and firmness.

I choose to cloud strong in the stars of your perfections, with all righteousness.

I renounce the fold and toad spirit of fear.
I renounce lameness, coldness and excessive anxiety of king failure,
and I storm up fame, with your delicate power of iron blood.

Blind days, stray nights, and lost morning; mountain above humankind,
changing their hearts into dead bats,
but I choose to stay owl and wiser than the demon doves, that claw the world to death.

Even when my voice sank in the rain,
my bones; bunt in the train of anguish,
and my spirit crashed in vain; in the waves of the vultures.
You still refreshed my veins and made the gains of my circle wonder turn into glossy vision with
rightful souls.

Now I am so higher than trees,
so orange than glows,
and the rain of my blessing showers more than the delightful face of sown.

I wing and swing along with your sweat of test,
because In all things I face;
your rod and burning cord, will always protect and fight for me.

My eyes will always be openly ventilated with understanding and courage,
because I am made black golden and filthy fruitfully amazed.

Thank you, for piercing your light into my sight and height.

Your gifts will always be my sun and blood,
while downfall; will always run barefooted till it floods to death.

So shall it be; for I rest my prayer, and loudly awake my faith.

Hooh HaaaH! ! !

This poem, is not an ordinary one, because I got the inspiration, while I was sleeping in the night around 3am in the morning. Something was talking to me; and I thought I was running crazy, but I woke up and still wrote down everything I had in the night. This is the truth I say and nothing but the truth. While was writing the poem, I drowned in a millions thoughts a day, reloading my ideology, renewing my creativity, resetting my instinct, and making sure I don't rigmarole in the error of fakeness, or either drown into non-professional criticism. But I stare and wonder at the miraculous mannerisms of animals, super creative handicaps, insects, and thoughts of all this keeps me humbled, lame to boast, old to brag, unloved to failure, and deaf to accept defeat.
ceekay 19 April 2018

Amen Am awake with faithful

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Sk Wor 23 June 2013

You are extraordinary

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