Implausible Genuinity Poem by Leon Moon

Implausible Genuinity

Rating: 5.0

The basic regime of a child scared to look at the Sun,
The thoughts of wasting too much time thinking,
Embodying in mirrors how to act while running outside.
Alone, matching eternity as pride,
The instinct crumbles to what it never was,
Floating away on images I can barely touch.

Dreadful hours when I could not speak,
The moment capsizing antiquity!
The senseless brilliance of self-sacrifices!
My arms, echoless, eternal trunks
Found their roots in the veins of the sky,
Finding their wish by finding another eye.

Fifteen years old and an eternity all to myself!
The forever end of an understanding of each age!
First, it starts with laughter.
Next, disgust.
Then comes the irony of understanding what happens after.
I make a fool out of everyone but myself! — Oh Great….

Whatever! — sanctified gas houses, dribbling constancy,
Too old to believe how young I once was, etc. etc….
I consider modern fatigue to be anticipation.
With the first imprints of memory
I create masterpieces as the other children sleep.
I have learnt how to never forget anything in this state.

I know rain as if it is my own blood.
How do these musicians, especially the teachers,
Not realise the eternal opera bursting to white on the walls?
Why can I only hear the soft electric ocean,
Burying each motion as eternity?
I know what is to come of me, but why is there an idea of reason to know at all?

Like someone great might have once said,
One forgets everything in this state
Only to remember it again in a dream.
I was only ever proving I was right.
I always hide in plain sight,
Suffocating in negations of light.

Sickly, Sickly! …. Ah….Sickly! Sickly!
What o what is there to taste,
Dreamy, dreamy, see me, see me —
Reign over, clover me in four pots
Whispering secrecy to certify existence.
I am everything you have never met.

The only thing I have learnt in a classroom
Is how to torture myself with humour,
Absorbing each difference hiding as me in itself.
Dreadful hours when I could not speak,
Bored to the death, the donation of reason!
I am the reality of nothing pretending it's one.

I pick the scabs scarring themselves in the sky.
I have already died, I just need to live out my destiny.
Water-boarded and wet-bedded, drenched in language,
I circle the ritual of rekindling the dying Sun.
I act out my own death constantly.
I am the last child of eternity.

Saturday, March 3, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: beginning,eden,eternity,love
OK - This is genuinely the last poem of 'this' kind, I can't be bothered posting the other ones because they're either too boring or too long and it's not really necessarily, and it's not as if someone's going to read them anyway. I'm happy, though, to say the book I'm creating will have a great affect although I'm debating even to release it, if I'm going reunify mankind and express my destiny, it can be done quite easily -these 'basic' poems really detail the anxiety felt in thinking it can never be done, ironically.But poetry exceeds destiny, it exceeds life and death, and to an extent, love -the poems I'll post from now on will either correspond to help people get out of the simulation/ help them go beyond their senses or will be prose scripts based off visions// giving, setting visions// creating visions for the reader etc.. -they'll serve as interactive 'experiences' for 'ascension'... I have suffered a lot, but since i've been 17 I've pierced the heart of the universe, it's brain, it's body, it's love and I see only eternal love, the imminence of return and the beauty of confusion -the confusion we are all learning how to perceive with every element of love. But now this is now no longer confusion, and knowing I will have quite a different death than all the other poets, I will proceed to act on every impulse gravitating from the destiny placed in me before birth. I have wrote 200-300 poems since last May as well as one ediac and the roots of ediacs -new languages, new literatures, new eternities, new instincts, new earths, new realities, new gods all await you, for they are in me and are me, and they rest in every action I express, waiting to be discovered. I have shown them to myself. I swear this has been done a million times before, yet no one has done it! The pain and root of anxiety is loneliness, the fact that the idea of the universe being you -only you -can be proved -but so can everything else! ...and it always is! ..
The actor, the poet, the musician, the child etc. etc. etc.
Kumarmani Mahakul 03 March 2018

Human body is perishable. Time deeply impacts on this. An amazing poem is very brilliantly penned...10

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