In A World Where Some Have Too Much Poem by Francis Duggan

In A World Where Some Have Too Much

Poets have sung of royal monarchs and of pomp and ceremony
And many of these poets now famous live on in literary history
But the poets who wrote for the poor people their names few wish to recall
Life has been this way for centuries and things may never change at all.

We still have the rich and famous and the elite society
And those who see them as superior promote inequality
And the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer sad to say
In a world where many people die of hunger every day.

One can't blame the starving millions if they see life as unfair
And a thousand must get poorer just to make one millionaire
And the middle class disappearing they too losing out to greed
In a world where some have too much there is hunger, want and need.

In a world where some have too much there is sadness and despair
Once great cities destroyed by bombings, buildings damaged beyond repair
And the poor are left to suffer and their homes have been destroyed
And the maimed without a future and the lucky all have died.

In a world where some have too much hunger and disease is rife
People eat what others throw out just to hang in there in life
People in their early thirties already looking old and gray
In a world where some have too much there is much social decay.

In a world where some have too much there is inequality
And the slums are getting bigger and there's widespread poverty
And the poets who sung of royalty and pomp and ceremony
Many of them now quite famous live in literary history.

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