In God’s Grip Poem by Bob Gotti

In God’s Grip

I am in God’s Heavenly Grip, and in dark times. I will not slip,
As my feet, my Lord shall guide, walking closely by my side.
On the Rock He helps me stand, guided by His steady Hand,
As the times around me quake, my side God will not forsake.

When tragedy falls upon my home, I never find myself alone,
For through it God walks with me, together with all my family.
My Lord and God, Christ Jesus, leads and comforts all of us,
Concerning my family as a whole, I turn to One who’s over all.

As all of the uncertainty grows, I call to God, who truly knows,
My very beginning to my end, Jesus Christ, my Loving Friend,
And for The Lord of all Eternity, there is never any uncertainty,
A Mighty Shepherd over everyone, I turn to God’s Eternal Son.

Any worry when it has its start, only allows fear to fill my heart,
And as the shadows begin to fall, fear makes big out of small.
For us, fear cannot have its way, as God still orders every day,
As in the past, in all we’ll face, we’ll be upheld by God’s Grace.

Grace, Christ alone shall provide, while in Him we totally abide,
Though we may not understand, we’re all together in His Hand.
As restless as my heart may be, I know the God of all Eternity,
And from my Lord’s Loving Grip, I know my family will not slip.

(Copyright ©09/2010)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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