So many dreams I had
Hopes on things impossible for me
But possible to God
On what is seen and unseen
Soon dawn will come
Yet I see
So many people hurting
Only God knows why
O Lord let your light shine
Our hearts are imprisoned
By our imperfections
Our sins and weaknesses
I cry out to you
Let our dreams come true
And turn our mourning to joy
But I rest in your strength
Believing all my dreams will come true
Lord I long to hold my child in my arms
And sing lullabys to him
O how I dream to comb her hair
And wipe the tears from their eyes
To hear their voices
To see their smiles
Laughter and cries
What a joy to behold
I may never stop thanking God
For such a wonderful gift
But still I have to wait
For God’s perfect time
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
All in God's perfect plan...Thy will be done! ! ! God bless, Cate