In The Enormous Room Poem by Robert Rorabeck

In The Enormous Room

The good, good teacher said that
Her favorite molecule was red;
And we all lived in the enormous room
While Zeta loomed
Until Kurt Cobain was dead;
And we played 4-square and listened to
The dead:
Oh yeah, jump yip: all the rats are skipping
And her lips were red,
And there were clouds in the sky,
And winged pus$ies- Oh yeah, jump ship,
All day long at a steady clip;
And the cormorants circle the yellow buses
Before doom, like doves on strings-
Around a junior high school tomb-
I could never look her in the eyes, and the teachers
Said things I wish they hadn’t
Until the days were almost over and I trounced
Out to play video games all afternoon with my
Blue eyed Jewish brother;
After we played 4-square in the enormous room
Where all the soldiers were triaged from exploring
The higher grades, the flattened esplanades of
Their daddy’s golf courses-
And she road horses in the enormous room
And the red molecules floated like envious doves
On strings- and I sang alone in my room,
To a crooked pestilent rood:
Oh yeah, jump ship, why does she always shoot
From the hip,
And Curt Cobaine was dead,
And I pissed my pants and read Hardy Boys and John
Wayne- the flag rippled like something sadly annoyed;
And the good, good teacher’s favorite molecule was red
In the enormous room.

Robert Rorabeck

Robert Rorabeck

Berrien Springs
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