In The Land Chagallia, Poem by Liza Sud

In The Land Chagallia,

We would live in the land Chagallia,
where flowers are flying,
and where colors in flight are flashing
in the deepening of blue color.

We would live in the land Chagallia,
with its roosters and violins,
without wars and just soft mildness,
where red only blushing means.

We would live in the land Chagallia,
with its simple flowers, not roses.
with its flying and happy cows,
and with radiant yellow crosses.

We would live in the land Chagallia,
where all are strangely united:
painters as well as writers,
as the dreams out of childhood.

Мы бы жили в стране Шагаллия,
где летающие цветы,
и где вспышки цветов летают
в углубленностях синевы.

Мы бы жили в стране Шагаллия,
где ее петухи и скрипки,
без войны - только в нежной мягкости,
где краснеть значит лишь - стыдливость.

Мы бы жили в стране Шагаллия,
где простые цветы, а не розы,
где коровы счастливо летают,
и кресты ослепляют желтым.

Мы бы жили в стране Шагаллия,
где все странно объединены,
как художники и писатели,
или просто детские сны.

In The Land Chagallia,
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: fantasy
Daniel Brick 08 November 2016

I had eye surgery yesterday si Im all blurry and cant really type but I can read and your teo Cgagall poems are beautiful visions of life lived simply in villages but opening out into vast cosmic dimensions with animal spirits and human beings in creative interchang and time release from its sequence of past]present? future replaced by an RTERNAL NOW which is truly God's time. For thos of us inthe messiness of ordinary existence it is a consolation.

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