It’s so sickly how diluted your mind can be
When one acquires an infatuation of love
How one just hunger’s to be in the presence of another
An insanity of waiting in a purgatory of stand still excitement
A heart continuously beating to a never worn out state
A marathon like no end
Until this presence comes to be again
Lips touch and elevated bodily motion jumps out of the skin
Nerves pulsate outside the veins of blood once trapped inside the heart too long
The presence as strong as the energy of the sun compacted into the hands of an individual
How those palms feel the weight of the world on their fingertips
Until ones energy burns out........
And one is left with a fireball lit inside their heart waiting to defuse
The mind begins to go crazy and blood flows back into the heart so violently
Until its pressure exceeds its maximum
The heart explodes and the veins fill with heated adrenaline
A passion of blood thirst erupts and ones palms can no longer handle the weight of the world
The mind becomes clotted and begins to go insane
A sickly feeling in the stomach that cannot vomit
One begins to break down
All because of the infatuation of love
When the world used to be light weighted
And crushingly became more than one heart could handle
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem