Innocent Smile Poem by Satheesan Rangorath

Innocent Smile

Innocent smile
the bubble of time floats infinitely
each creature lives in its sway and swing
living in Pandora's box we glide and sail
into the vast ocean of existence unaware-
of the destination
like a stringless kite
hangs in the sky shaking and shivering
tumble down so deep into a whirlwind
outside a kicking and picking world
so beautifully serene subtle and sanctified
the glory of each being complement
the entire universe rotates in a systemic path
each little creature adorn the fabric of space
the sun, moon and stars all being a part of the magic
out in the space, there are angels and fairies
who came out crushing the ego of existence
they become seers of who lives in the present moment
smiling to us inviting to break the hollowness
to join them into the magnanimous grace of freedom
wishing to break the egoistic, egocentric frame
and embrace the universe with the silky thread of unconditional love
with an innocent smile of a baby
a smile that envelopes everything is spirituality

Friday, February 1, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: philosophy,spiritual
Jazib Kamalvi 03 February 2019

A nice poem, Satheesan. Read my poem Love and L u s t. Thanks

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Satheesan Rangorath

Satheesan Rangorath

Elappulli, Palakkad, Kerala, India
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