Insomnia Part 2 Poem by Peter Cloutier-Jabalee

Insomnia Part 2

Rating: 5.0

The clock flickers from 11 to 12,
I feel restless...
This is my time to be awake,
I am always awake until well past 3.

But yet the clock is ticking,
Slower and faster...
I find myself fidgeting,
Falling asleep isn't as easy as it used to be.

I tuff my Pillow and fluff it a bit,
I lie down, I rest, then back up I will git...
It is now pas 12, soon to be 1,
To scratch the surface, sleep is nowhere nearby.

I punch the Pillow and get out of bed,
I pour a Coffee, it is what I need instead...
I take a sip of this dark brown potion,
I drink the nectar of the Angel Tonic.

Or is it yet, the Angel's upon it?
I do not know, I haven't slept...
I pace the room, in between swigs,
I finish the Coffee and collapse into bed.

1 turns to 3 in only moments,
I have not slept, I feel the fatigue...
But my mind won't rest,
It's all that I feel, it's all that I see.

For the many nights, I've turned into days,
I am beginning to feel like sleep is impossible...
I'm awake til I collapse,
Not even a Pill or Capsule could make me feel that.

I suffer now from extreme insomnia,
Although you would think I hate this life...
I actually enjoy the night, however,
I cannot keep a job because off this endevour.

I lie awake, it is now past 5,
It is time to eat, and pretend to be normal...
This life is a downhill battle,
Without sleep there is no normal.

It is now 6am and wide awake I am.
So I pour another Coffee,
And for Heaven's Sake God Damn,
I must of dozed of, because now it is 5.

It is another sleepless night for me tonight,
Another Insomniac's tale of those who cannot rest...
My future isn't looking that bright,
I could not make Class even if I did pass the test.

The future for me is up to next week,
I do not think of the future...
I lie in bed to rest again,
Maybe tonight I'll be out at 10.

Saturday, March 12, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: awakening,insomnia,life,sleep,sleeping
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