Intolerance And Hypocrisy [cor] Poem by Margaret Alice Second

Intolerance And Hypocrisy [cor]

Just like everyone else - I'm an idiot and a bigot myself;
while hoping to escape prejudicial pettiness I've tried to
accept liberalism & being leftist - yet a complete lack of
respect from the sophisticated, super-rich Liberals of a
Washington-world of scintillating politics under Obama
& Hollywood's self-righteous artists have revealed how

Absolutely intolerant and arrogant we liberals are; I was
disappointed & shocked, we're not liberal at all - we're
authoritarians - bent on destroying our opponents with
contempt; and, this is our ugliest trait - it's without any
kindness or attempt to understand and commiserate
with those who suffer in poverty under our gross and

Ungracious superiority: we lack both wisdom & insight -
we're therefore worse than our conservative colleagues,
honest people mauled by open borders & growing anti-
Semitism - the not-so-privileged have a right to being
straightforward and tactless, but when those privileged
belittle others in sophisticated ways, we are far worse -

My eyes have been opened; intolerance & hypocrisy of
Hillary and Obama & the Hollywood clique is so much
more dangerous than th' unrefined naive, open ways o'
Donald Trump; their lack of patriotism & HATRED for th'
man lets them undermine everything he gains for USA
while they destroy their own country, and credibility,

Rejecting their heritage in a single-minded focus on
destroying themselves rather than relent and be liberal
towards their fellow-Americans - therefore there is no
such thing as liberalism left…

Thursday, August 16, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: prejudice,social comment
Written by Marilese Koch on Thursday 16 August 2018

I'm ashamed at my own prejudice after looking into the
mirror that Donald trump is holding up to me, recognising
that just like my sophisticated mother rejected my uncouth
father, I rejected in prejudice all that is good and noble
just because it was not polished and refined...
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