Invisible Shores Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Invisible Shores

Fresh like the first rose of summer,
You broke on my horizons
And brought flutters of new colours
And flusters of new spring
I never knew exist.

It was dream-like, but bright and real,
With youthful colours changing hues
And breezes humming loveful tunes.

I knew not how to entreat you,
I knew not, were you real or a dream;
But like sunshine for day, you flooded me,
Like lightning in night, you filled my world;
Alas, good worlds live but for a while
And day comes to night, and spring to winter,
And lightning you brought
Vanished as it came.

Dreams broken are worse than dreams undream'd,
And lights extinguish'd, darker than nightfall;
Colours vanished and dews of tears
Lined my life from horizon to horizon.

Why you came and flurried my life
And changed tack to vanish from there?
The horizons you caught in bright colours,
Aglow yet in mysterious colours,
Where no spaceship breaks and stays anymore,
No colours indeed intrude there;
But the dazzling glow in the far horizons,
Brighter than a billion Suns
Blind my eyes and spreads gloom
In shattered life that dreamed heaven.

You changed tack and vanished once,
You may change tack to reappear again
And light the horizons you chose then,
With dazzling sunshine and bright colours,
For, one who goes is wont to come back,
It is a mere matter of time.

The flame of hope is live in me
And sustains me along rocks and thorns
Though bloods drip from the torn flesh
And tears flow from the sunken eyes.

Hopes are dopes of hallucinations
That drive life to invisible shores.

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