Is It Really? Poem by Tony Matthews

Is It Really?

Failure is a word, a word not required.
Win, Lose, Pass or Fail,
Labels are these and not required.
Taught behaviours, learned reactions,
Also not required.
I am not a failure! You are not a failure! We are not a failure!
Learning, not failing,
Understanding, not failing,
Accepting, not failing.
Living up to another,
Expectations high.
Loaded with resilience,
I can build it! You can build it! We can build it!
I can use it! You can use it! We can use it!
Failure is not required.
I can succeed! You can succeed! We can succeed!
I can accomplish! You can accomplish! We can accomplish!
Gain, Attain and Win.
Failure is not required.
Failure does not exist.
I do my best! You do your best! We do our best!
I cannot fail! You cannot fail! We cannot fail!
Failure does not exist,
Only EXPERIENCE gained.
Failure is not an option, Failure does not exist
Stop trying to resist,
Failure does not truly exist.
Is it really,
Truly failure?
It's just not been done right,

June 2016

Monday, December 19, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: inspirational,motivational
Kim Barney 20 December 2016

You can never succeed if you never try. Well written. I see that you have only posted two poems on this site so far. Welcome to Poem Hunter!

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Tony Matthews 20 December 2016

Hi Kim, Thank you for your responce, I have only put 2 poems up as this site is new to me and I do not know how active it is yet.

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