It's What I Asked For Poem by MyIner Agony

It's What I Asked For

I remember all those nights
I lay awake in bed wishing you were here.... next to me
holding me....
telling me about your day and how you wish you could change the world....
I remember the times you walked passed me like I was a side door
I don't know why I feel so ignored
because I asked for this
my first love smothered me
so I begged for a relationship with no emotions and just sex.... and that's what I feel like I'mgetting... I think.... why should I have to guess... why should I be the one to chase, I'm the prize..... but that's what you asked for.... right?no emotions, just sex and I barely get that.... butsince I hate to nag I don't bother to ask..... I mean he's young,still in school I'mI asked for it....
I remember all those nights
I lay awake in bed wishing you were here.... next to me
holding me....
telling me about your day and how you wish you could change the world....
I remember the times you walked passed me like I was a side door
I don't know why I feel so ignored
because I asked for this
my first love smothered me
so I begged for a relationship with no emotions and just sex.... and that's what I feel like I'mgetting... I think.... why should I have to guess... why should I be the one to chase, I'm the prize..... but that's what you asked for.... right?no emotions, just sex and I barely get that.... butsince I hate to nag I don't bother to ask..... I mean he's young,still in school I'm pretty sure he has things to do....this is what you wanted and that's what you got..... so what's the problem.... he's not your typical prince charming but that'snot what I need..... I asked for a man who isn't needy, a man who stands by himself on purpose.... a man so noble but he's too humbled to realize how "badass" he is,I mean don't get me wrong he won't ever be perfect and he actually is very difficult understand.... but he's the man I asked for.... I'm blessed..... I remember thinkingwhy won't he let me in.... but he did a little but there's a limit I guess.... I guess also because I'm an open book I get confused when others aren't..... instead of worrying about not figuring him out,why dont you get use to him and let him be him.... because thats what you asked for.... pretty sure he has things to do....this is what you wanted and that's what you got..... so what's the problem.... he's not your typical prince charming but that'snot what I need..... I asked for a man who isn't needy, a man who stands by himself on purpose.... a man so noble but he's too humbled to realize how "badass" he is,I mean don't get me wrong he won't ever be perfect and he actually is very difficult understand.... but he's the man I asked for.... I'm blessed..... I remember thinkingwhy won't he let me in.... but he did a little but there's a limit I guess.... I guess also because I'm an open book I get confused when others aren't..... instead of worrying about not figuring him out, why dont you get use to him and let him be him.... because thats what you asked for....

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