It Was Just A Chance Glance Poem by Deanna Samuels

It Was Just A Chance Glance

It was just a chance glance
A glance that would change everything
A casual glance of no real thought
But a glance to change a life
A glance to change two lives

He was standing there
His life already planned out
A career well in place
Completely oblivious of surround
Thoughts on another plain

The sound of a nearing street car
Startled him to look up sharply
In that moment he chanced to glance
A glance at a face in the street car window
The face of a young woman

The face of that young woman enraptured him
With that glance he wanted to know more
He knew within seconds that face would be gone
Gone with the street car, lost, never to see it again
He would never know why something kindled within

Without giving a moment's thought
Instinctively, he boarded the street car
Paid his fare, sought out that face he had glanced
There she was, still staring through the window
Very still, as though in a deep trance

He sat nearby, looking at her
She was everything he had ever dreamed of
Everything he could have possibly wished for
Her graceful hands with slender fingers, ringless
He knew he would not want to lose her

She stirred, feeling a presence nearby
Glimpsed at the young man staring intently at her
A flush came to her face, a look passed between them
Instantly she knew that something special had occurred
Something that was going to change her life

For him, he felt it must be now or never
She could at any moment arise, get off the street car
He must declare what is in his heart
‘Hello', he said boldly, telling her his name
I glanced your face at the street car window

He told her the story of what had just happened
She was happy with his breathtaking explanation
Knowing it would be the start of a lasting friendship
Friendship that would be a bond between them
A bond of marriage from just a chance glance

Written at Courtice, Ontario - 7th February 2021

Saturday, February 13, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: new friendship,love
Deanna Samuels

Deanna Samuels

London, England
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