It's A Golden Sunrise, Awake, Awake & Arise You, A Golden Sun Is Banging Upon The Door & You Still Keeping Late, Late Poem by Bijay Kant Dubey

It's A Golden Sunrise, Awake, Awake & Arise You, A Golden Sun Is Banging Upon The Door & You Still Keeping Late, Late

It's a golden sunrise,
Awake, awake and arise you,
A golden sun is banging upon door
And you still, still keeping late, late,
The birds are chirping,
The village maids are going to river
To fill their pitchers with water,
The cattle are calling
And you still,
Still sleeping, keeping late,
In bed drowsily
Without shedding the nightly dreams
Of stars and the planetary bodies
Sleeping, sleeping, taking your time,
Awake, awake and arise, arise you, my darling,
See, see, it is a fine a sunrise,
A sunrise,
The golden sun is glowing red, shining, flashing
And the sunbeams scattering as gold, red sunrays glowing,
When will you, my love...?

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