Its Difficult To Sleep. Poem by Dr Dolston L Morian

Its Difficult To Sleep.

The day grew weary and so worn
My energy level is plummeted below
My body so restless and tier in creep
My eyelids beg for repose and sleep
The long day's ore and the night's in weep
For my friend friend, it's difficult to sleep

The noise of nature once so tranquil
Now annoys my heart I cannot keep still
I rake and tumble at he dark of this night
My heart is heaving with despair so deep
At the loss of a friend my eyes do weep
Yes, it's difficult for me to sleep.

As I reflect on the times and years that roll
Memories of bouquets with perfume scented rose
Dreadful the sight of casket with flowers decked
Cannot rebreathe the vigor of life though I fret
The night trek on long with this ugly creep
So broken, it's difficult to sleep.

You will not know what bonds that bind
My aching heart with sorrow is now drown
It straps me down with no hope of sound
No pulse in my soul, no sensation I feel
Deep in my soul a wailing shout, a squeal
Please heal my heart it's difficult to sleep.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: death of a friend
Dr Dolston L Morian

Dr Dolston L Morian

Mabaruma Essequibo, Guyana
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