Jean Robert A Name To Stand Forever Poem by Isiuwa Osa-Iguehide

Jean Robert A Name To Stand Forever

Walking through the part of a name search,
That would stand prefix to mine,
I sail across seas and adventures through mountains and forest,
To see what nature of woman would bear this prefix.

My name is neither a big name nor a wealthy kind,
It does not hold any political position nor book appointments with the kings,
It does not dance in treasury nor accumulate neither gold nor diamond for the untold future.
Its denarius are little and it dollars cannot evoke a sky scrapper
Nor wish towers in the air.

It carries only sincerity and dignity that every common man long,
It carries love with a humble heart seeking for whom to accept it in willing spirit,
It bears the mark of priest that though been human seek to bless others through love,
It carries goodwill and dancing emotions that crave for true lover,
It carries faithfulness that stands and endures through storm and turbulent times.

That is my name,
That is who I am,
And that is what I wish to be accepted for,
Will you accept me for who I am?

My cries were publish in the air,
Written in testament for all women to read,
My echoes were carved in tablets of passersby and desperate women,

Many came looking for love,
But within them was a lust for crops which I possess
Denarius and dollars which will fatten their greedy purse

Amongst them came Jean amidst my great confusion,
Gentle man of pure heart,
Are you who you say you are she cried out
Are you Chris or Robert the one whom you claimed has joining the shadows?
Or are you just a sweet tongue who would cast me away and dash out to the air?
She question in confusions and wallow in her dreadful past.

Yes I am whom I say I am I join in the cry,
Accept me with pure heart and burry your dreadful past.

I will she echoed,
I will my dear Robert,
I will blank my suffix Clarke and become your prefix,
I will carry your name to my grave,
And till the soil through life with you,
I will swear loyalty and leave my royalty to join your humble clan,
I will stroll with your name in my hands and stand by you forever,
For you are my Robert and I am your Jean
And forever Robert Jean will stand.

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