Jesus In Lafayette Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

Jesus In Lafayette

Jesus in Lafayette

I dreamed of Jesus
Visiting Lafayette.

Plan was for him to
Go meet the president.

One of the disciples:
"Guess he is believer,
Look at him holds Bible
And stands by the church."

I saw Jesus walk out,
On forehead wore frown.

Onlookers, surprised
Stopped, were mesmerised:
"How could he be angered? "

Jesus is man of peace
And loving, forgiving,
But not in Lafayette.

To questions were replies:
"He holds reins as leader,
Not for help but to hurt! "

Lord's anger appeared
To be of exact same
As was child of twelve.

Jesus found Pharisee
In the man with Bible
That says is Christian.

To me, Jesus rebelled,
Selected his friends
From those abandoned.

But this man with claim:
"Vote for me Christians, "
Keeps lying, pretends…

Heard Lord say: "This man is
The one that sows the seeds
On hard rock and nothing
Shall ever come of it."

Great can be dreams
They help us hear, feel.

I felt sad for those who
Are simple and are fooled.

Shouted but was useless
Wish dreams did affect:
"This man is charlatan,
Look at him shed blood! "

Pity his followers
Have no time to question:
"How the hell got his wealth? "

Be patient bear with me,
I searched it deep through:
"He abused labourer,
And enjoyed business
In body of women…"

These two are exactly
Best friends of Jesus,
He loved and defended.

Guess I heard slogans:
"Arrest, jail charlatan! "

Me, being man of peace,
Slowly kept walking
To beg the rioters:
"Possibly made mistake
And deserves forgiveness."

I was booed, discarded:
"You, simple ignorant,
If alive, burns forests! "

Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: political
Deluke Muwanigwa 19 August 2020

Beautiful stuff. Yoi speak truth to religious power. People should not show us how hard they pray and love Jesus. Let us see it in your deeds. If indeed you are a disciole WE will tell YOU not the other way. Great poem Sir.

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