Just Disappear Poem by Bri Bathalon

Just Disappear

Have you ever wanted something or someone to just disappear? Some issues on teen minds include: name calling, clothing sizes, and weight.
Being insulted with words would be a start. When name calling occurs everyone sees it hurts. When it gets to be too much, the anger makes teens do activities that aren’t healthy and conscieniously they know they aren't, but they're lost.
The size of clothing also intimidates teens. Not only angering teens, it makes them want to do some outrageous acts like not eating. Yes, teens know that not eating isn’t the right road, but all they are thinking is ‘How can I lose weight fast? ’
Weight's another problem. It can make you feel upset about yourself. Look in the mirror, what do you see? Are you happy or mad? Many times teens compare themselves to others. Metabolisms allow different teens to eat different quantities and qualities of food. This can be frustrating. The feeling is mesmerizing when tight clothes fit.
Stop comparing yourself to others. If weight loss is what you want then do it by eating healthy and exercising correctly. Just don’t think that not eating is the right choice because ……… IT’S NOT! ! ! People may say ugly things about you, but ignore them. You look great just the way you are. Things like name calling, clothing sizes and weight won’t just disappear.

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