Just Standing There Poem by chelsi Ruffing

Just Standing There

Standing there she wonders it its worth it at all
Putting her head between her legs dizzy and not wanting to fall
Everythings getting so dark what happened to the light
Not careing laying back against the wall without a fight
Looking out to see who is standing near
She can't see a thing the breathing is all she can hear
Not scared they give her no reason to be
To bad her vision is burry and she can't see
Waiting for them to get closer then take hold
Skin feeling wet and very cold
Letting go she doesn't understand
Someone slowly grabs her hand
Pulling her close whispers in her ear
'You have nothing to fear'
The only sound is the beating of her heart
Not moving shes being smart
Then out of nowhere a sweet kiss
Shocking her what did she miss
Smiling he lifts her in the air
Now she can tell hes there and does care
Taking her somewhere safe from harm
She's been wrapped with his charm
Just standing there looking out at the rain
Wondering what happened to all the pain
He made it all just go away
Never once had a bad thing to say

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