Just 'Think' (For Once In Your Lives) Poem by Daegonius Bonapartea

Just 'Think' (For Once In Your Lives)

Did you ever think to multiply your thoughts past god

To open your mind past age old religious monotonous rubbish

Perhaps to obtain an age of knowledge beyond the current ignorance you put yourselves in?

To seek science perhaps of your minds can even comprehend the status of an ant

Do you think your energy comes from the sun or solar system think again it comes from dead plants

So before you begin to.curse my words my thoughts or my poetry use your intellect and please don't rant

Look to your heart But do not abuse your mind look to your mind yet do nor abuse your heart

Most of all importances combine your soul along with that innocence and seek the truths of truths for there are many not just one.

If you every bothered to read kahlil gibran you'd see that he didn't even know what he believed

So turn from ancient pish posh and open your beings to see other truths and be relieved

Search to other world's with your minds and imagine that physics there Maybe different

Or other beings as we'll.

I'm the only poet who will reveal such a thing or write of this subject

One that the majority of you can't quite get your minds to properly connect

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