Kms031. Visit To Chennai City Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Kms031. Visit To Chennai City


The place Bukke near Nagari,
Represented both the cultures
Of Saiva and Vaishnava sects,
Side by side, in the Temple there.

There the River Kusasthalai runs,
With water fed by five waterfalls,
As a source from the feet of Deity
Of the Temple situated nearby.

Kasi Viswanathar on the one side,
Prayag Madhavar on the other side,
In one Temple is the special feature,
For both the sects to worship there.

In the year 1932, Maha Swami
Performed the Vyasa Puja there,
On which occasion the devotees
Dug a well, by name Vilasa, for water.

He arranged for the renovation,
Of the temple, in a bad condition,
And performed Kumbabhisekam,
After it was repaired, in a short time.

He was to go to Chennai thereafter
But he was hesitating to go there,
That being a cosmopolitan city,
Not so conducive for his stay.

But he finally agreed to visit,
On specific requests for it
From the very senior devotees,
He had to change his views.

In his palanquin, he was taken,
In the city, on a procession,
Accompanied by his followers,
Who gathered in large numbers.

It was illuminated by gas lights,
Many Pundits did Veda recitals.
On the way, till it finally reached
Sanskrit College, where he stayed.

In a specially erected pandal,
He gave daily lectures in simple
Tamil and in Telugu as well,
To a thick crowd of people.

Thursday, May 9, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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