Knowledge Of Literature, Society And History A Must! Poem by Ramesh T A

Knowledge Of Literature, Society And History A Must!

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Sudden South West monsoon rain like a bolt from the blue hit the town at sunset;
Everywhere dry lands and ponds empty of water is waiting for this great rain;
Water with energy from Sun and fertile soil for agriculture give live all in the world;
Without water, where is life in the world to live a good and tolerable life ever?

To live a meaningful life, knowledge of literary life, social life and world history are needed;
For, that gives vision of the whole and what to do in the world by each and everyone sure;
Based on that, one can live a great life using one's capacity, capability and ability;
Living so in harmony with Nature, we can know our purpose and destiny of life!

Nature makes one understand reality from illusion and ultimate reality for all here;
That by mysticism, one can reach super-conscious status helping one attain eternity;
Yes, eternal birth-less state moksha is the ultimate reality all have to achieve;
That is possible by meditation and mysticism in Nature that we shouldn't; t forget!

With such true knowledge only, we how to live a best life suitable to each one;
This is the meaning and message all can get from knowledge of literature and history in society!

Knowledge Of Literature, Society And History A Must!
Eternal birth-less state moksha is the ultimate reality all have to achieve; That is possible by meditation and mysticism in Nature that we shouldn't; t forget!
Ramesh T A 05 June 2023

With such true knowledge only, we how to live a best life suitable to each one; This is the meaning and message all can get from knowledge of literature and history in society!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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