Kokology 13 Poem by Hajime Midori

Kokology 13

Picture yourself as Cinderella, standing by as the handsome prince tries to fit your lost slipper on your wicked and ugly stepsister’s foot. Then imagine seeing her ecstatic grin as her foot slides in effortlessly— a perfect fit! How would you react to this unpleasant surprise? Describe in detail how you’d feel and what you’s do about it.

Answer Key 
In the story, the glass slipper represents the one thing Cinderella believed in to be entirely and forever hers and hers alone. When you imagined yourself in her place, you took on that same set of feelings. The way you reacted to the unpleasant surprise ending shows the way you’s respond to a rival in love who tried to steal your partner from you. We all like to think our partners belong to us completely, but there are many ways of expressing that in actions. What did you do to get back what was rightfully yours?
'I’d make the prince let me try on the slipper too.' You’re not afraid to let your partners shop around a little before accepting that you’re the only one for them. That’s admirable self-confidence, but what are you going to do when the prince decides there’s a whole kingdom of feet he hasn’t tried that slipper on yet,
'I’d just accept it as bad luck and get on with my life.' Having patience is a sign of wisdom, but sometime you have to fight to hold to what belongs to you.
'I’d grab that glass slipper and crack my ugly stepsister over the head with it.' It may feel good to express your natural resentment, but the prince might not think much of his future bride getting into a cat fight.

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