Ladder Of Life Poem by Sadashivan Nair

Ladder Of Life

In the juvenile, full of vigor;
Elated lakes,
Inspiring breeze,
Motivating ambiance;
Strength to endure,
The pain and joy ensnared;
Strewed dreams,
From my mind,
Over to clouds in the sky;
Dream to rise on to top;
Transform destiny to my way,
Was now the goal of life;
Steps on ladder,
Were bit shaky,
Like a game
of ladder and snake;
Two steps up
And one step down;
Gave courage,
Toppled snake;
Rose higher and higher,
Until last ladder came;
No rise beyond that point,
Only choice was
To step down;
Never thought in life;
The ladder I entrained,
Would one day,
Bring me to ground;
Destined from land,
Land is the destiny;
Rise from land
Set down in land too;
This I realized when in bed,
In the last days of life;

(In hindi)

भरी जवानी मे हरी
भरी सी जिंदगी,
कभी ये तो कभी वो बन जाऊं,
यही सपनों मे भरा था;
मंजिल तक पहुंचने के लालसा मे,
ढूंढता रहा नसीब की सीढी़;
कभी छोटी तो कभी बढी़,
कभी चढ़ता तो कभी फिसलता,
उलझा रहा सांप और सीढ़ी
के खेल मे;
आखिर मे एक सीढी़ ऐसी मिली,
चढ़ता गया और चढ़ता गया,
मंजिल की ओर बढ़ने की लालसा मे;
भूल गया जमी को,
जहां से चला था;
पता न था आखिरी सीढ़ी
के बाद जमी पर ही आना था;
जमी से आये हैं,
जमी मे जाना है,
जमी ही मंजिल है;

© Sadashivan Nair

Ladder Of Life
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: fall,life and death
Clarence Prince 01 February 2017

The ladder of life, its man's dream to climb to whatever height!

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