Languages That Play Major Parts In The Future! Poem by Ramesh T A

Languages That Play Major Parts In The Future!

Ancient languages used only for spoken purpose ever
Are called as raw or Prakrit languages in the past;
Those Prakrit languages are around fifteen in numbers;
From them well cooked languages are nine in numbers!

Greek, Hebrew, Latin in the West, Arabic, Persian in
The centre, Tamil, Sanskrit in Asia, Chinese in the East
Mostly have evolved from Prakrit languages with alphabets
For reading and writing purposes to many languages now!

Of them, only English, French, German, Arabic, Urdu, Tamil
And Chinese are playing main roles in communication use;
Many other languages are branches grown out of them only
With some languages like Sourashtra are still in spoken form!

Fixing lipi and script for such spoken languages are still
In discussion stages waiting to be moulded into written
Form for communication in the print form sooner or later;
Some languages are useful in science, technology and Computer!

As Computer has come into vogue for all working purposes in
The World, English, some European languages and Sanskrit
Seem to play major parts in all walks of life everywhere as
Time goes on with the fast developments in science, trade, etc.

Sunday, February 18, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: language
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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